On the path to EU

Meeting the Europe Day, 9 May, we present documentary ‘On the path to the EU”, directed by Nikola Vukcevic and in cooperation with the Galileo production doo. The theme of documentary, which was filmed in several EU countries, are the lives of ordinary ‘small’ people in the EU countries, with emphasis on mobility, family business, education, and exchange of goods.

In documentary, we will meet Frenchman Richard Thomas – who has chosen to live and work in Slovenia, also you will become familiar with the specifics of Breznik family and their distinctive family business inn “Narobe” – based on tasty and healthy food. In Zagreb, Dario Domitrovic will show us the achievements of his company for sound design, in which we will meet former citizen of Podgorica – composer Dusan Maksimovski, who is building a successful career in Croatia, and Dominik Krnjak, a young musician, born in Austria, who decided to return to the land of their ancestors – Croatia. Stories about family values – embedded in the European values!


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